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New York Times story on the benefits of active commuting features research by CPC Fellow Gordon-Larsen

October 11, 2011

Oct 11, 2011 A recent article in The New York Times focuses on the growing trend of active commuting and its positive health outcomes. Active commuters typically walk, run or bike to work instead of driving vehicles or taking public transportation. The article features research by CPC Fellow Penny Gordon-Larsen that explores and quantifies the…

The Globe and Mail consults CPC Fellow Yang on new research connecting genetics and increased aggressive parenting

August 30, 2011

Aug 30, 2011 Findings from a new study link a specific gene with a rise in aggressive parenting behavior during difficult economic times. The Globe and Mail's recent article on this study included CPC Fellow Yang Yang's opinion that the findings "reveal one potential genetic pathway by which large-scale economic developments affect child-rearing styles." The…

Reuters story on China’s increasing weight problems features input from CPC Fellow Popkin

August 30, 2011

Aug 30, 2011 The rising number of overweight or obese people in China, especially the wealthy, is the focus of a recent Reuters story. The article delves into the possible reasons behind the expanding waistlines and, through interviewing "fat camp" participants, highlights fears of negative future consequences for both individuals and the nation as a…

International AIDS Society conference features pioneering research by CPC Fellow Pettifor

August 30, 2011

Aug 30, 2011 At a recent International AIDS Society conference, CPC Fellow Audrey Pettifor gave a presentation on how reducing the structural barriers to education may help reduce HIV risk. This research is a part of the HIV Prevention Trials Network and was one of several HPTN studies profiled at the conference. To view Pettifor's…

Update to Login Services for all of at noon today

August 29, 2011

Aug 29, 2011 A planned migration of user website login account data to UNC's Active Directory has been delayed several times during the last few weeks. However, we will perform this at noon today. The outcome will be as follows: Users with onyens will continue to login with their onyen All other users will have…

Family and community-based support systems critical to better mental health for Latino immigrants

August 18, 2011

Of the United States’ population growth over the last decade, 56 percent can be attributed to its Latino population. Though many of these individuals are born in the United States, migration still accounts for a large portion of the growing Latino population. The research of CPC Faculty Fellow Krista Perreira focuses on the effects migration…

Author of new book discusses CPC Fellow Elder’s research on NPR’s Talk of the Nation

August 10, 2011

Aug 10, 2011 Don Peck recently appeared on Talk of the Nation to discuss his new book, Pinched: How the Great Recession Has Narrowed Our Futures and What We Can Do About It. During the interview, Peck cited research by CPC Fellow Glen Elder when explaining how age during difficult economic times can affect individuals…

News & Observer story on declining number of men in North Carolina features CPC Fellow Cohen’s insight

July 27, 2011

Jul 27, 2011 A recent article in the News & Observer discussed North Carolina's changing male population. In the past, North Carolina typically experienced a surplus of boys yet a deficit of men over age 35. Within the article, CPC Fellow Philip Cohen said the surplus of boys was "apparently evolution's answer to the fact…

New initiative uses Elder’s life course framework to develop national maternal and child health network, advance research

July 21, 2011

Jul 21, 2011 The federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau has developed a Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network to advance the field of life course health development research. The work of CPC Fellow Glen H. Elder, Jr. on the life course framework has proven to be fundamental to this initiative. It has…

CPC Fellows Rindfuss and Guilkey receive 2011 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship in Population award

July 20, 2011

Jul 20, 2011 The American Sociological Association's Population Section chose a paper co-authored by CPC Fellows Ron Rindfuss and David Guilkey as winner of the 2011 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship in Population award. The paper, "Child-Care Availability and Fertility in Norway," discusses the researchers' findings that increased childcare availability correlates with higher fertility levels. Though…