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CPC Postdocs Albrecht and Ifatunji receive UNC’s Postdoctoral Scholars Awards for Research Excellence

November 1, 2012

Nov 1, 2012 Carolina Population Center Postdoctoral Scholars Sandra Albrecht and Mosi Ifatunji will each receive a 2012 UNC-CH Postdoctoral Scholar Award for Research Excellence on November 12. Each year, ten awards are given in recognition of individuals with outstanding research promise; the award includes a plaque and $1,000.Sandra Albrecht's postdoctoral research is focused on…

CPC Fellow Cai contributes to USA Today story: Chinese think tank urges end to one-child policy

October 31, 2012

Oct 31, 2012 USA Today reports that the Chinese government may soon revise its 30-year old family planning policy that limits births to one child per couple. "Chinese think tank urges end to one-child policy" appeared in the Oct. 31 edition. CPC Fellow Yong Cai was interviewed for the story. Read an excerpt of it:…

University Gazette profiles CPC Director: 6 questions answered by Phil Morgan

October 25, 2012

Oct 25, 2012 The October 16 issue of the University Gazette features an interview with Phil Morgan, who became the director of the Carolina Population Center in July 2012. He answers questions about CPC and its challenges, his research interests, and explains why the United States is the most interesting place he has studied. Read…

CPC Fellow Gray launches new project in Uganda about the links between soil degradation and rural poverty

September 12, 2012

Sep 12, 2012 The research project is called "The Relationship between Soil Degradation, Rural Livelihoods, and Household Well-Being." Clark Gray, Carolina Population Center Faculty Fellow and UNC-Chapel Hill Assistant Professor of Geography, is the project's principal investigator. His research team includes co-PI Ephraim Nkonya, co-PI Darrell Schulze, and co-Pi Kayuki Kaizzi. The 3-year project is…

The Guardian features successful Kenyan cash transfer study by CPC Fellows Handa, Pettifor, Thirumurthy, and Halpern

September 12, 2012

Sep 12, 2012 The Guardian's story is: Kenyan study shows that cash-transfer payments reduce sexual risk: New research shows that cash payments reduce risky sexual behaviour and HIV infection among orphans and children. Read it here. The study was conducted by Carolina Population Center Fellows Sudhanshu (Ashu) Handa, Audrey Pettifor, Harsha Thirumurthy, and Carolyn Tucker…

CPC Fellow Yang receives the Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement by Young Faculty

September 11, 2012

Sep 11, 2012 Yang Yang, Carolina Population Center Faculty Fellow, was awarded the Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement by Young Faculty. The prize recognizes the achievements of outstanding junior tenure-track faculty or recently tenured faculty. Yang is an associate professor of sociology at UNC-Chapel Hill. UNC's Chancellor Holden Thorp announced the…

American Sociological Association honors S. Philip Morgan with the 2012 Otis Dudley Duncan Award

August 20, 2012

Aug 20, 2012 S. Philip Morgan and co-authors Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, Christine Bachrach and Hans Peter Kohler received the 2012 Otis Dudley Duncan Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Social Demography on Sunday. The award was presented to Morgan by the American Sociological Association's Section on the Sociology of Population at the ASA annual meeting, held in…

Obituary: J. Richard Udry

August 18, 2012

J. Richard Udry, esteemed population studies scholar and Carolina Population Center’s Director from 1977 – 1992, died at his home on Sunday, July 29, 2012. He was 83. Dick Udry joined the UNC faculty as Associate Professor of Maternal and Child Health and Sociology in 1965. He became CPC Director in 1977 when the center…

UNC Professor & CPC Fellow Kalleberg wins award for his book, ‘Good Jobs, Bad Jobs’

August 17, 2012

Aug 17, 2012 The Academy of Management selected Arne L. Kalleberg's book for its annual George R. Terry Book Award. The book, 'Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s to 2000s', was published by the Russell Sage Foundation in 2011. Arne L. Kalleberg is UNC…

Global Health Policy blog features research by CPC Fellow Handa about using cash transfers to reduce HIV-related risky behaviors

August 16, 2012

Aug 16, 2012 In a recent post on the Global Health Policy blog, Amanda Glassman and Denizhan Duran evaluate several programs that use cash transfers to reduce HIV-related risky behaviors among young people. Cash Transfers: Good for HIV/AIDS Too includes a discussion about the Kenya Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children program, which is…