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Building Resilience for Storm-Battered N.C.

February 24, 2021

The record-breaking 2020 Atlantic hurricane season included 30 storms, and while North Carolina managed to dodge the 12 hurricanes that made landfall, that won’t always be the case in the future. A team of interdisciplinary researchers at UNC is combining … Read more

Unhealthy food advertising disproportionately targets children in Colombia

February 24, 2021

February 23, 2021 By Courtney Mitchell Children in Colombia are exposed to a disproportionate amount of television advertisements that market unhealthy foods and beverages, a practice which puts them at greater risk for obesity-related health issues as adults. Researchers affiliated … Read more

Regional variations in gut microbiota could contribute to varying health effects in China

February 18, 2021

Nutrition researchers have noticed a connection between microbes found in the human gut and certain health conditions, like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Pinpointing the specifics behind that connection has been a more difficult task, thanks to variations in microbial … Read more

Fellow Pettifor quoted in Higher Ed Dive

February 5, 2021

Faculty Fellow Audrey Pettifor was recently quoted in Higher Ed Dive on the topic of reopening universities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Positive messaging could play a key role in increasing COVID-19 mask compliance

January 22, 2021

Because messaging has a large impact on community adherence to public health guidance, many agencies are now seeking the most effective strategies to communicate the importance of wearing a mask during the pandemic. Experts at UNC-Chapel Hill have published a new study that suggests positive messages could be critical to supporting this effort.

Fellow Thompson receives conference grant

January 19, 2021

Amanda Thompson received a conference grant from the NIH Fogarty International Center (through CRDF Global) for a meeting to be held in Quito, Ecuador.

Fellow Adair is investigator on new NIH/NICHD R01 grant awarded to FHI

January 19, 2021

Faculty Fellow Linda Adair will be an investigator on an new NIH/NICHD R01 grant awarded to FHI, Clinical trial with the levonorgestrel intrauterine system to measure changes in hemoglobin and serum ferritin among anemic women in Kenya (R01 HD100497).

Fellow Pearce receives grant from The Louisville Institute

January 19, 2021

Faculty Fellow Lisa Pearce received a grant from The Louisville Institute, entitled: Racism Rebuked and Reproduced in Church:  How American Gigachurches Responded to the Killing of George Floyd.

New book published by Fellows Pearce and Elder

January 19, 2021

Faculty Fellows Lisa Pearce and Glen Elder have coauthored Living on the Edge: An American Generation’s Journey through the 20th Century with Richard A. Settersten Jr. Drawing from the iconic longitudinal Berkeley Guidance Study, Living on the Edge reveals the … Read more

Fellow Kathleen Mullan Harris named Visiting Scientist in RTI University Scholars Program

January 19, 2021

Fellow Kathleen Mullan Harris will be a Visiting Scientist in the 2020-21 RTI University Scholars Program. Craig Hill, PhD, Senior Vice President, Social, Statistical, and Environmental Sciences shares, “Dr. Harris and I have — both personally and organizationally — a … Read more