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The project is designed as a collaborative research project of scholars from multiple institutions in the U.S. It seeks to create a clearinghouse of data sources and build a consortium of multidisciplinary scholars to conduct research on the pandemic's impact in China. Our mission is to serve as a landmark study of the multifaceted short- and long-term consequences of Covid-19 in China. The project, to be based at Columbia University's China Center for Social Policy is designed to achieve three primary goals:

  • to carry out a set of coordinated research projects using multiple social science methodologies, all empirically-based and aimed at collecting, documenting, and analyzing social, economic, and health data on Covid-19's impact on Chinese citizens;
  • to create a clearinghouse of various data sources and archives on Covid-19 in China, especially those that might be censored or deleted from the internet, to facilitate additional research on this historical episode and as a depository of relevant materials for future generations;
  • to build a consortium of scholars across U.S. institutions, to train the next generation of social science researchers on China, and to facilitate sustained exchange and collaboration between scholars in China and the U.S., especially given the increasingly limited access and tightened atmosphere for such activities

Project Details

Key People
Funding Source
Project Dates
Project Status
Research Themes