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What factors drive the desire to invest in education, enter the labor force, relocate to a new city, or even a new country? How do these cumulative decisions contribute to overall levels of development and inequality for the population? CPC faculty fellows take advantage of rich data available through Federal Statistical Research Data Centers and harness variations in the introduction of new policies to understand the dynamics of these dimensions of population change.

Associated Projects

A Perfect Match? How Job Demands Shape Gender and Racial Discrimination in Hiring The project will examine whether and how job demands - the required skills and experiences associated with a job opening - are associated with gender and racial discrimination levels in hiring. We will use experimental procedures to examine whether employers are more or less likely…
Add Health Parent Study: Phase I The Add Health Parent Study (2015-2017), gathered social, behavioral, and health survey data in 2015-2017 on a probability sample of the Add Health parents who were originally interviewed in 1995. Data for 2,013 Wave I parents, ranging in age from 50-80 years and representing 2,244…
Applying a life course approach to assess the impact of neighborhood and interpersonal discrimination on allostatic load Abstract Allostatic load, which is characterized by the dysregulation of physiological activity across multiple systems in the body, has been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. However, the prevalence of allostatic load is not equally distributed…
Assessing The Impact of Neighborhood and Interpersonal Discrimination on Obesity and Leukocyte Gene Expression Approximately 42% of adults in the United States (US) have obesity, with a disproportionately high prevalence in middle-aged and older adults. Individuals with obesity are at increased risk of many leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the US relative to individuals with a healthy…
Cardiovascular Health of Sexual and Gender Minorities in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos The cardiovascular health of Hispanic/Latino sexual and gender minorities has been understudied. The goal of this study is to examine relationships between sexual/gender minority stress, coping, social support, and heart disease - a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among Hispanic/Latinos in the U.S. Findings…

Associated People