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Biomarker Data

The biomarker data collected in CHNS 2009 involves the release of 26 fasting blood measures on individuals aged 7 and older.  This included major cardiovascular biomarkers (lipids, diabetes such as HbA1c, glucose, insulin, triglycerides, CRP) and important nutrition biomarkers (transferrin, hemoglobin, and ferritin).   An overview of some of the key results was published  in: Yan, Shengkai, J. Li, S. Li, B. Zhang, S. Du, P. Gordon-Larsen, L. Adair, B.M. Popkin (2012) The expanding burden of cardiometabolic risk in China: the China Health and Nutrition Survey.  Obesity Reviews 13 (9): 810-21. PMCID: PMC3429648. 


The full documentation of the collection and laboratory measurement are also placed as documents online:

Protocols used to collect and process blood samples are available here.

A list of biomarkers and methods used to measure them is available here.

Codebook of the biomarker dataset is available here.