Talia Kieu
I am a fourth-year MSPH-to-PhD student in the Department of Health Behavior at the Gillings School of Global Public Health. I am interested in the applying the intersectionality framework and life course perspective understand mental health outcomes of LGBTQ+ individuals.
Prior to my time as a Biosocial Trainee, I worked as a research assistant at the Communicating for Health Impact (CHI) Lab, where I managed a trial that validated a scale that measured the effectiveness of vaping prevention messages. I also worked at the Action Research on Community Health Equity and Stigma (ARCHES) lab, where I supported participatory research related to LGBTQ+ adolescent health.
For an up to date version of my research experience and list of publications, please see my live CV.
Research Interests
LGBTQ+ health across the life course; Mental health; Housing disparities; Aging inequities; Community-based participatory research; LGBTQ+ older adults of color