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This is a new position supporting prevention work throughout the PL4 region.  As part of the statewide initiative, our mission is to increase state, regional and community capacity to deliver meaningful substance misuse prevention in the four VDH Health Districts of East Central Vermont and Southern Vermont, including Bennington, Brattleboro, Springfield, and White River Junction.  The payscale for this full-time post is $25-30/hour depending on experience.


To apply, please email your cover letter and resume directly to Alice Abraham:



Title: Project Manager

Reports to: Executive Director

Description: Perform duties in support of Vermont State Prevention Lead Region 4 (PL4) project at The Collaborative, manage and/or provide technical assistance and administrative support to grants, sub-grantees, and initiatives

*Indicates a required element of every job description


Work Duties:

Project Management 

  • Manage grant workplan for large regional project
  • Support PL4 and other prevention initiatives, by writing grants RFPs, and grant reports
  • Work as a team to manage grant budgets
  • *Evaluate projects and participate in program evaluations
  • Manage the entirety of subcontracting, and subwarding systems, ensuring contracting compliance, subrecipient monitoring, proper invoicing, technical assistance etc.
  • Provide oversight and project management for initiatives that involve contractors such as communications planning and health policy work.


Organizational Administration: 

  • Collect and track data and grant required paperwork for reporting
  • Participate in the management of organizational structure and systems for the regional project including the Advisory Committee, Prevention Coordination team, and Lead Team
  • Manage project management systems
  • *Apply guiding docs such as DEIB to work plans and interactions with internal and external stakeholders and partners


Relationship Building:

  • Participate in the management of communication systems including, emails, newsletters, press releases, social media sites, and content
  • Attend or call meetings with grant funders, organizational partners, potential partners
  • Maintain and build relationships and communications with grant and organizational partners



  • Stay up to date with professional development as it relates to your work duties
  • Facilitate cohorts such as the Advisory Committee, Prevention Coordination Team, and communications teams


Other Duties:

  • *Other duties as directed by the leadership of The Collaborative
  1. Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
  • Computer skills: proficient in the use of cloud-based technology
  • Ability to cultivate and maintain professional relationships
  • Ability to communicate effectively; verbally and in writing across a broad spectrum of audiences
  • Proficient in planning and organizing complex processes
  • Ability to conduct oneself in a professional manner representing healthy lifestyles


Mission Alignment and adherence to Guiding Documents including Strategic plan 

  • Knowledge, understanding, and active engagement in working towards a greater social impact, ability to apply ethical standards.



  • Self-starter and ability to work independently, managing multiple tasks
  • Ability to inspire and motivate others, providing direction, and fostering collaboration among team members.
  • Understanding of when to seek assistance and to delegate.
  • Active integration and use of organizational resources and tools.
  • Critical thinking to analyze complex situations and develop innovative solutions to achieve desired outcomes.


Organizational Awareness

  • Understanding the structure, culture, and dynamics of nonprofit organizations and The Collaborative (such as being a Recovery Friendly Workplace), as well as the external factors that impact the work, such as funding sources and legal compliance.


Adaptability and Flexibility 

  • Work schedule may include extended hours, availability to cover office schedules, and balance in-office and remote work
  • Some in-state travel required
  • Embracing change, being open to new ideas, and demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges or shifting priorities.


Personal Qualities:

  • Commitment to The Collaborative mission and success


Acceptable Experience and Training:

  • Demonstrated ability in good writing, project management, and team collaboration.
  • High School graduate minimum required
