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Dec 22, 2014

Carolina Population Center Faculty Fellows Pamela Jagger and Sudhanshu Handa are collaborating on research projects to promote and evaluate the shift from using wood and charcoal for cooking fuel to using energy-efficient cookstoves that emit fewer toxins.

This story is featured on UNC’s homepage as one of the carousel stories here.

Excerpt: Public policy professors Ashu Handa and Pam Jagger in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences have received a $2.5 million National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences grant to fight a very serious, but understudied health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. Exposure to cookstove smoke from burning fuels such as wood and charcoal is the largest risk factor for disease and death in Rwanda.

The full UNC story is posted here. An expanded story with additional photographs is posted on UNC’s College of Arts & Sciences website here.