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Dec 17, 2012

The December 15th issue of The Economist features a special report on obesity. The report includes ten articles and two of the articles reference work by Carolina Population Center Fellow Barry Popkin.

The big picture: The world is getting wider, says Charlotte Howard. What can be done about it?
“Not long ago the world’s main worry was that people had too little to eat. Malnourishment remains a serious concern in some regions: some 16% of the world’s children, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, were underweight in 2010. But 20 years earlier the figure was 24%. In a study of 36 developing countries, based on data from 1992 to 2000, Barry Popkin of the University of North Carolina found that most of them had more overweight than underweight women.”

The study is Mendez, Michelle A., Carlos Augusto Monteiro, and Barry M. Popkin. 2005. Overweight Exceeds Underweight among Women in Most Developing Countries. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 81 (3):714-21.

Food for thought: Food companies play an ambivalent part in the fight against flab
So far, promises to make products healthier and limit advertising have helped fend off legislation, but not everyone is happy about that. “No place in the world have we had self-regulation shown to be successful at solving the issue,” says Barry Popkin of the University of North Carolina.”

The Economist’s special report on Obesity includes these articles: