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CPC at PAA 2016

March 23, 2016

Mar 23, 2016 The Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America will be held March 28 – April 2, 2016 at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C.  Listed below are the sessions presented by CPC faculty fellows, postdoctoral scholars, predoctoral … Read more

Schistosomiasis and HIV Acquisition

March 17, 2016

Mar 17, 2016 CHAPEL HILL, NC-A comprehensive review of secondary data sources has confirmed a long-suspected link between female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) and HIV infection for women in southern Africa. Researchers confirmed the link in Mozambique, finding that exposure to … Read more

Ebola: What data say

January 28, 2016

Jan 28, 2016 Guinea has maintained its Ebola-free status for about one month. Although that bodes well for the country’s people, their protection from another outbreak rests in part on the availability of data for making informed decisions on health … Read more

CPC Data Portal Adds New Studies

January 6, 2016

Jan 6, 2016 March 14, 2017 The Carolina Population Center Data Portal promotes and highlights CPC’s original data collection efforts and enhances data dissemination. The CPC Data Portal has added two studies to the data now available for the research … Read more