Meet the Carolina Population Center Faculty Fellows elected in 2019

The Carolina Population Center’s Faculty Fellows elected six UNC faculty members to join the CPC Fellows program in 2019. There are now 67 faculty fellows who sit across 16 academic departments.
Douglas Lee Lauen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Policy.
In his research, Dr. Lauen examines the effectiveness of educational policies, school types, and interventions on students and how these effects vary for traditionally underserved populations. He examines the heterogeneity of effects across socially, economically, and educationally disadvantaged student subgroups because a key to reducing inequality in important adult outcomes is reducing educational inequality among children and youth. He has examined the effects of educational accountability and performance incentives policies, school choice options, school poverty contextual effects, and early college high schools, an innovative high school reform approach.
Jeremy Moulton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Policy.
Dr. Moulton works to better understand how public policy affects people in intended and unintended ways. He has investigated a broad selection of different policies, for instance the effect of children aging out eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit on women’s decisions to work, the role of Medicare Part-D on self-employment decisions, and the impact of property tax exemptions for the elderly and disabled veterans on home prices.
Joaquin Alfredo-Angel Rubalcaba is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy.
Dr. Rubalcaba is an economic demographer working on health, well-being and labor market outcomes of vulnerable groups in the U.S. His research has ranged from studies on how immigration policies influence labor market behavior, ethnic discrimination, and access to health care to estimating the economic value of racial inequalities.
Conghe Song is a Professor of Geography.
Dr. Song conducts research with remotely sensed data, household surveys, and ecological models to understand how land surface is changing, why it is changing and what the associated social-ecological consequences of these changes are. He integrates remote sensing and ecological models to estimate the land surface carbon and water dynamics as a result of land-cover/land-use change in the context of climate change. He collects and analyzes household survey data to understand the driving forces and the socioeconomic consequences of land-cover/land-use change.
Jessica Houston Su is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology.
Dr. Su studies American family life and inequality. Her research examines how social patterns of family formation are related to the health and well-being of parents and children. A major theme of her research focuses on the causes and consequences of unintended pregnancy.
Sean Sylvia is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Gillings School of Global Public Health.
As a health and development economist, Dr. Sylvia researches ways to improve the delivery of health care in low and middle-income countries. Most of his work has been in China, where he has studied interventions to improve early childhood health and development, school-based health and nutrition programs, the quality of primary care provided by rural clinicians, the use of antibiotics, and other topics.