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Feb 17, 2009

In her column on the pros and cons of consuming artificial sweeteners, Jane Brody quotes Barry Popkin, CPC Fellow and Carla Smith Chamblee Distinguished Professor of Global Nutrition. Citing his recent article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Brody says Popkin and his coauthor Richard Mattes “concluded that ‘taken together, the evidence summarized by us and others suggests that if non-nutritive sweeteners are used as substitutes for higher-energy-yielding sweeteners, they have the potential to aid in weight management.'” (Brody, J. E. (2009). Sweeteners: Real aid or excuse to indulge?, New York Times (February 17, 2009 ed.). New York.)

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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition article Brody refers to is

Mattes, Richard D., and Barry M. Popkin. 2009. Nonnutritive Sweetener Consumption in Humans: Effects on Appetite and Food Intake and Their Putative Mechanisms. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89, no. 1: 1-14.