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Apr 6, 2017

On Wednesday, May 10th, the Carolina Population Center will host Demography Daze. The final agenda is now available, listed below and in the attached Word document.

Demography Daze:  May 10, 2017

CPC/UNC (206 West Franklin Street, Room 005 (in Basement).


1-1:05   Welcome:  S. Philip Morgan

1:05-2:20  Flash Talks: Being relevant: Research-Policy Links.

Moderator: S. Philip Morgan


  • Linda Adair (UNC) Mother to child transmission of HIV in Rwanda
  • Bryce Bartlett (Duke): U.S. Immigration Policy Regimes and Physical Disability Trajectories Among Mexico-U.S. Immigrants
  • Patricia Homan (Duke): Political Gender Inequality and Infant Mortality in the United States, 1990-2012
  • Amanda Thompson (UNC): Water, Food, and the Triple Burden of Disease in the Galapagos, Ecuador
  • Christopher Bail (Duke): Ethnic Discrimination and Violent Radicalization in 3,143 U.S. Counties using Internet Search Data
  • Philip Morgan (UNC): Persistent Demographic Difference

2:30-3:30   Mary Jo Hoeksema, Director, Government and Public Affairs, Population Association of America: Challenges and Opportunities for Federally Funded Research in the Era of Trump? 

3:45-5:00   Cognitive Aging/Alzheimer’s

Organizer and Moderator: Angie O’Rand

  • Claire Yang (UNC):  SES Gradients in Age Trajectories of Cognitive Decline: An Integrative Life-course Analysis
  • Katsuya Oi (Duke & UNC):  Inter-Connected Trends in Cognitive Aging and Depression: Evidence from the Health and  Retirement Study
  • Ken Land & Eric Stallard (Duke): THE ALZHEIMER’S PROGRESSION INDEX:  Conceptualization, Research Foundations, and Development of Software for Clinical Use

5:00-5:30  Reception

View photos at this Google Photo Album.