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Every summer, the Carolina Population Center welcomes undergraduate interns who learn about and conduct population research. To develop their research question and methodology, the interns work with CPC Fellows who are also UNC-Chapel Hill faculty members. A couple of the interns are also mentored by CPC postdoctoral scholars.  This program exposes these students to population research and encourages underrepresented undergraduates to consider graduate training with a focus on population sciences.

The interns will present their research findings at the Undergraduate Intern Research Symposium on Friday, July 24th. The Symposium will be held at the Carolina Population Center.

These are the Summer 2015 interns:

Nichole Flynn is a rising senior studying Biological Sciences at NC State University. Carolyn Halpern, UNC Professor and Chair of the Maternal and Child Health department and a CPC Fellow, and Gary Glick, a CPC Postdoctoral Scholar, are her preceptors. Flynn’s email address is

Anika Hannan will be a senior majoring in Global Studies and Public Policy at UNC-Chapel Hill. Hannan’s preceptor is Kavita Singh Ongechi, a Research Assistant Professor at UNC-Chapel Hill and a CPC Fellow. Contact Hannan at

Lauren Medina has three majors: International Affairs, Sociology, and Demography and is part of the Class of 2016 at Florida State University. Medina’s preceptor is Carolyn Halpern. Medina’s email address is

Corinne O’Brien will be a junior and studies Psychology and Romance Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill. Her intern research program advisors are Sandra Albrecht, UNC Assistant Professor of Nutrition and a CPC Fellow, and Jana Hirsch, a CPC Postdoctoral Scholar. O’Brien’s email address is

Alexis Robinson is a rising senior at UNC-Chapel Hill. Her major is Health Policy and Management. Jon Hussey, Research Assistant Professor of Maternal and Child Health and a CPC Fellow, is her preceptor. Robinson’s email address is

CPC’s Undergraduate Intern Program is funded by UNC’s Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.

Carolyn Tucker Halpern is CPC’s Director of Training Programs and Jan Hendrickson-Smith is the Associate Director of Training Programs. Hendrickson-Smith organized the Undergraduate Intern Program.