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Sep 25, 2014

What did the Carolina Population Center do this summer? Everyone at CPC participated in a major office move. Over 300 people affiliated with the center moved between December 2013 and June 2014.

The move was required because of the forthcoming demolition of University Square East and West towers at 123 and 143 West Franklin St. This move prompted recollections of CPC’s 48-year history and its origins with offices at University Square. Additions to the center’s history archive were unearthed as faculty and staff worked their way through lots of paper, most of which was scanned or shredded. A few treasures are from CPC’s education campaigns: vinyl records from the “How Many Children Do You Want?” series launched in 1970 and filmstrips and audio cassettes from the Population Dynamics series in 1975. Also found were early computing gems including IBM keypunch cards, 12″ magnetic (reel) tapes, greenbar paper, 5 1/4″ floppy disks, 3 1/2″ diskettes, CD-ROMs, and even diskettes with WordStar and Lotus 1-2-3 software.

Read the full story here.