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Jul 11, 2014

UNC Global released an announcement about recent research conducted by Krista Perreira. Perreira is a Carolina Population Center Faculty Fellow and a UNC Professor of Public Policy.

The Color of Health in Latin America: Individuals with Darker Skin Color at Higher Risk for Poor Health

“Individuals in Latin America with darker skin color are at higher risk for poor health and discrimination, according to a new study led by researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Princeton University.

It is the first cross-national study to examine the association between skin color and health in Latin America.”

Read the full story here.

The study is published in Social Science & Medicine. The citation is:

Krista M. Perreira, Edward E. Telles. Forthcoming. The Color of Health: Skin Color, Ethnoracial Classification, and Discrimination in the Health of Latin Americans. Social Science & Medicine.