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Oct 31, 2012

USA Today reports that the Chinese government may soon revise its 30-year old family planning policy that limits births to one child per couple. “Chinese think tank urges end to one-child policy” appeared in the Oct. 31 edition.

CPC Fellow Yong Cai was interviewed for the story. Read an excerpt of it:

Cai Yong, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, said the report holds extra weight because the think tank is under the State Council, China’s Cabinet. He said he found it remarkable that state-backed demographers were willing to publicly propose such a detailed schedule and plan on how to get rid of China’s birth limits.

“That tells us at least that policy change is inevitable, it’s coming,” said Cai, who was not involved in the drafting of the report but knows many of the experts who were. Cai is currently a visiting scholar at Fudan University in Shanghai. “It’s coming, but we cannot predict when exactly it will come.”

Read the USA Today story here.