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Jul 23, 2015

Carolina Population Center Fellow Margaret (Peggy) Bentley was recently elected one of two new faculty directors of the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center.

UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health posted this announcement about Bentley’s new role:

Margaret (Peggy) Bentley, PhD, Carla Smith Chamblee Distinguished Professor in the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health, has been named one of two new faculty directors at the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center.

Bentley is also associate dean for global health at the Gillings School and associate director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Disease. She was elected to her new role by the Rotary Center’s board of directors, in consultation with senior Duke University, UNC and Rotary officials.

Each year, the Center selects and trains Rotary Peace Fellows based on their ability to have a significant, positive impact on world peace and conflict resolution during their future careers.

As UNC faculty director, Bentley will support the Center’s mission by working closely with managing director Susan Carroll, with her faculty director counterpart at Duke and with Rotary board members to nurture the Fellows’ experience while they are at UNC.

Catherine Admay, JD, visiting professor of public policy studies, is the incoming faculty director at Duke. Both Bentley and Admay have been associated with the Rotary Center since its early days.

“I am honored to have been asked to be the UNC faculty director of the Duke-UNC Rotary Fellows Program,” Bentley said. “Our campus has been enriched by the Fellows who are selected for this prestigious program. I have previously worked with many of them, and they are all highly experienced in their field and are committed, humanistic and motivated students. I will do my best to make them feel welcome and provide personal and professional opportunities for them on campus and in the Triangle.”

Outgoing faculty directors Jim Peacock, PhD, Kenan Professor of Anthropology at UNC, and Francis Lethem, PhD, director and Professor of the Practice at Duke’s Center for International Development, will remain board members for one year to provide institutional continuity.

Bentley began serving in her new role on July 1.