Christy L. Avery

Ph.D., Professor, Epidemiology
Program Leader, Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology
Curriculum Vitae
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CPC Publications
Christy Avery's research revolves around the promotion of cardiovascular health across the lifespan. Specifically, Dr. Avery is interested in understanding the common genetic footprint shared by many chronic diseases as well as the influence of gene-environment interaction and omic biomarkers, particularly metabolomics.
Christy Avery is an epidemiologist focusing on genomic epidemiology, gene-environment interactions, metabolomics, and approaches for assessing the burden of cardiovascular disease in diverse populations and across the life course. Her research in population sciences involves the use of longitudinal data and incorporates factors at multiple levels (e.g., cellular, individual, contextual) to examine patterns of change in health risks (e.g., high blood pressure, high cholesterol) and health behaviors (e.g., alcohol consumption, smoking, physical activity, obesity) on the incidence and prevalence of cardiovascular disease. In addition, her studies examine the role of genetic diversity in health behavior and disease risks in multi-ethnic U.S. populations, with recent efforts examining metabolomic correlates of health and disease.