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America’s Immigration Policy Fiasco

Douglas S. Massey is the Henry G. Bryant Professor of Sociology at Princeton University where he also directs the Office of Population Research.

CANCELED: Biological Mediators and Moderators of Social Disadvantage

Carolina Square Room 2002 123 W. Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

On Friday, September 14, Colter Mitchell, PhD will present Biological Mediators and Moderators of Social Disadvantage as part of the Carolina Population Center 2018-2019 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series.

Social Gradients in Gene Regulation in Nonhuman Primates

On Friday, September 28th, Jenny Tung, PhD, will present Social Gradients in Gene Regulation in Nonhuman Primates as part of the Carolina Population Center 2018-2019 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series.

Should We Tax Soda? An Overview of Theory and Evidence

On Friday, November 2nd, Hunt Allcott, PhD, will present Should We Tax Soda? An Overview of Theory and Evidence as part of the Carolina Population Center 2018-2019 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series.

Networks, Diffusion and Inequality

On Friday, November 16th, Filiz Garip, PhD, will present Networks, Diffusion and Inequality as part of the Carolina Population Center 2018-2019 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar series.