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Leticia Marteleto: Live Births and Fertility amidst the Zika Epidemic

Carolina Square Room 2002 123 W. Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

On 9/27/2019, Leticia Marteleto will present “Live Births and Fertility amidst the Zika Epidemic” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2020 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series.

Sara Bleich: The Philadelphia Beverage Tax: Changes in Prices and Sales

Carolina Square Room 2002 123 W. Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

On Friday, October 11, Sara Bleich will present “The Philadelphia Beverage Tax: Changes in Prices and Sales” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2020 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series.

Jennie Brand: Uncovering Treatment Effect Heterogeneity using Machine Learning

Carolina Square Room 2002 123 W. Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

On Friday, October 25, Jennie Brand will present “Uncovering Treatment Effect Heterogeneity using Machine Learning” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2020 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series.

2019 Hettleman Talks: Kavita Singh Ongechi

Carolina Club, George Watts Hill Alumni Center 106 Stadium Drive, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Attend these TEDX-style presentations from the 2019 winners of the Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prizes for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement - one of the most distinguished awards our early-career faculty can receive. The talks will provide an engaging look into these distinguished young scholars’ work in the fields of Chinese studies, public health, molecular, cellular, & developmental biology, and biomedical sciences.

Jennifer Glick: Family Migration and Educational Aspirations: Preliminary results from the first wave of the Family Migration and Early Life Outcomes (FAMELO) Project

Carolina Square Room 2002 123 W. Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

On Friday, November 15, Jennifer Glick will present “Family Migration and Educational Aspirations: Preliminary results from the first wave of the Family Migration and Early Life Outcomes (FAMELO) Project” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2020 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series.

Add Health Team: Add Health Wave V: New Directions, New Data

Carolina Square Room 2002 123 W. Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

On Friday, January 10, the Add Health Team will present "Add Health Wave V: New Directions, New Data" as part of the Carolina Population Center's 2019-2020 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series.