Lauren Gaydosh: Biological and Cognitive Aging Among Sexual and Gender Minority Older Adults
Carolina Square Room 2002 123 W. Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NCCarolina Population Center
Carolina Population Center
Carolina Population Center
Carolina Population Center
Carolina Population Center
Carolina Population Center
Carolina Population Center
Guang Guo's research focuses on the intersection of sociology and genomics, incorporating advances in genomics and epigenomics in the studies of social science issues such as social stratification and health inequality.
Topic: The Impact of the Climate Crisis on Critical Life Periods: A closer look at Maternal and Adolescent Mental Health
Topic: Gatekeeping, Conflict, Obligation, and Agency: How Intimate Contexts Structure Penile-Vaginal Decision-Making among Young Women
Ashu Handa is an economist working on poverty, health and human development in sub-Saharan Africa. He is co-PI of The Transfer Project, a regional initiative with UNICEF and FAO to understand the broad effects of government sponsored cash transfer programs in sub-Saharan Africa.