About the Carolina Population Center
Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity
The Carolina Population Center brings together a remarkable group of faculty fellows from across The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Our fellows address pressing research questions about population dynamics, fertility, health, mortality, migration, and the environment. Faculty come from multiple disciplines, benefitting from the cross-pollination of ideas. Our dedicated research and programming staff support fellows at every stage of project development, from conception through data collection or acquisition, analysis and dissemination, and project administration.

Innovation and Rigor
For more than five decades, cutting edge methodological and empirical approaches have defined our work, helping us better measure, understand, and predict population change and its impact. We study populations and the processes that affect them from many different angles and we provide access to our data collection processes and methods – many of which have been adopted by other scholars and practitioners.
Training the Next Generation
CPC researchers have pioneered data collection and research techniques that emphasize life course approaches, longitudinal surveys, the integration of biological measurement into social surveys, and attention to context and environment. These projects have helped us create interdisciplinary training programs that integrate approaches from the social and biological sciences, building research capacity and training the next generation of scholars.

Producing Data and Research
We want to put our research and data into the hands of people who can use it to advance population health and well-being. We distill and translate our data, analysis and methods into accessible and actionable formats so that the public and policymakers can use it.